meet Cinci

CinCi dymock
Chief Executive Officer
With over four decades working in the Community Services sector my goals are to address the inequities faced by individuals in our community. I had witnessed firsthand the limitations of quality support options available to those in need and was motivated by the belief that our community could—and should—do better, I took the bold step of founding Focused Supports (now Super Squad!) determined to create meaningful change.
I am very excited for the years to come to see how our Super Squad share their mission to inspire individuals to embrace their inner Super Hero.
I love pottering around on our respite property Nella Farm, where I can relax whilst being actively involved in nature with my two Maltese Cross dogs Daisy and Maple. The farm animals are always keen for a cuddle and attention – either with Goldie Horn (one of our goats), or one of our many bunnies or hand raised chickens. Life is Always Good At the Farm.