Super Squad Team Member

melanie richardson

Chief Operating Officer

I’m Melanie and I am the Chief Operating Officer of the fabulous Super Squad team and I value kindness above all other things. I am a passionate subject matter expert on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, in particular how to use plan funding flexibly within the operating rules of the scheme, home and living services and the application of functional language for optimal funding outcomes.

I am the parent of a NDIS participant and know first-hand how challenging the NDIS can be to work with, but also know how hard it can be to trust your vulnerable loved ones with formal support services. 

When considering the standard and quality of services that we provide, my benchmark is whether or not I would let my own son participate, and if I wouldn’t, we make changes. It is important to me that everyone including clients, their families and squad members feel like they have a personal fan club cheering them on. 

Super Squad is the most supportive, collaborative and creative group that I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of, and I’m looking forward to sharing the joy of this team with as many people as would like to join us.